Resource Library

This page contains tools and materials to aid your recovery! See each section for resources to help depending on your needs. 

Mindfulness (Tara Brach Meditations)

  1. Body Awareness Meditation
  2. Self-Compassion Meditation
  3. Relaxation Meditation
  4. Loving Kindness Meditation 

What to do when you Feel a Compulsion

  1. Meditate!
  2. Journal about your feelings, goals, and gratitude
  3. Go for a walk
  4. Call or text someone you trust - let out your thoughts and feelings
  5. Go to the gym
  6. Go for a run
  7. Read a spiritual book 
  8. Pray to any power greater than yourself that you trust
  9. Explore your emotions with curiosity
  10. Take a hot shower

About Eating Disorders

  1. Types of Eating Disorders

Helpful Literature

  1. Big book of alcoholics anonymous
  2. Overeaters Anonymous Steps and Tradition book
  3. Overeaters Anonymous Voices of Recovery
  4. Dharma Punx Book by Noah Levine
  5. Radical Compassion Book by Tara Brach
  6. Your True Home by Thich Nhat Hanh

Navigating Social Situations

  1. Holiday Tips